Skagen in partnership with X by Kygo has announced the launch of its latest smartwatch in India. Dubbed as Skagen Falster 3, the smartwatch comes with a price tag of Rs 21,995 and it is available for purchase from leading retail stores across the country.
The Falster 3 will sport four styles inclusive of a limited edition style designed in partnership with X by KYGO brand. The smartwatch comes with a speaker, meaning that users can take calls on their smartwatch. The speaker is swim-proof and it comes with a microphone through which one can interact with Google Assistant. One can also play music directly on the smartwatch. The smartwatch runs on Wear OS by Google.
The company claims that the smartwatch comes with Extended Battery mode where users can extend to multiple days on a single charge. The ‘Daily Mode’ allows users to experience most features enabled, such as an always-on screen. ‘Custom Mode’ allows users to easily manage battery optimization settings themselves. Then there is ‘Time-Only Mode’ that provides additional hours when the watch has a low battery.
The Skagen Falster 3 smartwatch comes with Tiles that provide information at a glance. One can swipe left to access quick actions and information. One can fitness goals, start a workout, know where you need to be next, plan ahead with the latest forecast, check heart rate, follow the latest breaking headlines, and even set a timer. The smarwatch comes with 8GB of internal storage and 1GB of RAM.
It also features Cardiogram, which visualizes heart rate data into interactive charts that can be tagged with activities from your day, helping users identify what could contribute to spikes and dips in their heart rate. The smarwatch also features heart rate tracking, untethered GPS, NFC for Google Pay, and Rapid Charging. It comes with 42mm case and it is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 platform. The smartwatch is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.