Samsung on Monday launched its flagship Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 EDGE smartphones in India and it will be available in Market from April 10. The company also plans to manufacture both of them in India quite soon.
The Galaxy S6 will be offered in three storage options-32 GB (Rs 49,900), 64 GB (Rs 55,900) and 128 GB (Rs 61,900). The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is priced at Rs 58,900 (32 GB), Rs 64,900 (64GB), and Rs70,900 (128 GB).
Manu Sharma, director Samsung India, said, “Samsung plans to start manufacturing of Galaxy S6 and S6 edge in in India from April in Noida facility and it will majorly cater to Indian customers.â€
He further added, “Even after the production starts in India, one shouldn’t expect a price drop in the price of Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge as we have already taken it into account while the announcing the price of both the devices.”
Samsung, had unveiled the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona earlier this month and both the phones are completely different from previous Samsung smartphones. The striking feature of the new design it the use of metal frame (brushed aluminum) and both front and rear panel has the tough Gorilla Glass 4.
Samsung however has kept the traditional home button below the display. While the S6 has no edge display, in the Galaxy S6 Edge, you will find curved display on both right and left hand sides unlike the current Samsung Edge which has a curved display only on one side.
The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge run on Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system and are powered by octa core processor (quad 2.1GHz + quad 1.5Ghz) The devices sport 5.1-inch Quad HD (2560×1440), Super AMOLED Display thus offering 577 ppi Pixel density.
The S6 and S6 Edge comes with 3GB LPDDR4 RAM and will be available in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB internal storage variants. On the connectivity front, the devices support LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth v4.1, NFC and IR Remote.