Samsung is expected to launch the new Galaxy Note III at the upcoming Samsung Mobile Unpacked 2013 event in Berlin, Germany on September 4. Now a Korean News Daily, ET News, has reported that the first four million units of the Galaxy Note III will feature Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 mobile processor. That is quite surprising since Samsung has been introducing its premium handsets with home harvested Samsung Exynos chips inside.
The third generation phablet will be introduced in three different colours – White, Black and Pink. Samsung will launch the Galaxy Note III model in several variants but the initial two would be – 3G only and 4G LTE model. India would be getting 3G only model with eight-core Samsung Exynos 5 Octa 5420 mobile processor inside.
However, recent reports point that the Samsung will launch 4G LTE network supporting Samsung Galaxy Note III with Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chip running inside. This model will be made available only in select markets. Both models will feature 3 GB RAM.
Samsung’s Mobile Unpacked 2013 event is scheduled to take place on September 4, couple of days before the IFA 2013 Berlin convention kicks off. Based on the past device launches, we can expect Samsung to introduce the Galaxy Note III in India before the end of this year.