Samsung has launched the latest Galaxy S II smartphone in India, which is touted as world’s slimmest handset in its category.
The phone runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread, and has a 4.27 inch Super AMOLED Plus display (one of the best in the market), a dual core processor, Touchwiz 4.0 user interface design, an 8 mega Pixel camera with the ability to capture 1080p video, and a 2 mega pixel front camera for video chats.
The Super Amoled technology promises almost double the contrast, 18 percent better brightness, 16 per cent more colour compared to the IPS panels (which is currently industry best).
The smartphone also has a 1 GB RAM, 32 GB microSD slot, Wifi, 3.5 mm audio jack, MP3 support, Google Mobile Services, 3D TouchWiz UX and 4 hubs — Social hub, Readers hub, Music hub and Game hub.
The phone comes with 3G HSPA+ capable of 21 MBPS, and 5GHz WiFi which will help you stream live HD content from your Samsung 3D LED TV (which was also launched) or internet.
Galaxy SII will be the best successor of Galaxy S, with better readability, better battery, a slimmer design, faster downloads, smoother UI, quicker multi tasking, efficient gaming and snappier streaming. Now there are 5 Galaxy Smart phones in the market namely Galaxy Fit (3.3 inch screen), Ace (3.5 Inch screen), Pop (3.1 inch screen), and Galaxy Pro (Touch screen plus QWERTY keypad).
Samsung has also launched a range of 3D LED TV with Internet capablity, Galaxy SII can be used as a remote control for these TVs, you can also see the the telecast on your mobile phone as well.
The phone will be available in market after two weeks and will be priced at around Rs 30,000.