Samsung Galaxy S5, which was recently unveiled with water resistance capability and fingerprint sensor, is now being offered by Saholic, an Indian retailer, for Rs 45,500. The retailer is promising to deliver the same on March 7 (this Friday). We believe that Saholic jumped the gun and can be expected to make changes with the availability date as Samsung is yet to announce anything about either price or availability of the Galaxy S5.
Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with water-proof and dust-proof properties along with an integrated fingerprint sensor as its highlight. The Galaxy S5 features a 5.1-inch full HD Super AMOLED touchscreen display with 1920×1080 native resolution. The display has been made using Corning Gorilla Glass 3 technology for strength and resistance against usual wear-tear. This smartphone is powered by a quad-core 2.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 mobile processor and 2 GB RAM. Samsung has loaded it with Android 4.4 KitKat and the TouchWiz User Interface.
At its rear lies a 16 megapixel camera with LED flash that can record full HD videos and even Ultra HD 4K Resolution videos. Samsung has placed a 2 megapixel camera in the front of the phone for HD quality video calls. Apart from the usual sensors, Samsung has also added a new Heart Rate Monitor sensor inside the smartphone.
Measuring 8.1 mm thin, the smartphone will offer 16 GB on-board storage and there is a memory slot that can hold up to 128 GB microSD card. Samsung has used front design of the smartphone very similar to the one in Galaxy S4. The back panel offers perforated back cover.
Samsung has integrated the Download Booster option that offers simultaneous reception of LTE+Wi-Fi networks. Supporting USB 3.0, the Galaxy S5 packs a 2800 mAh battery to offer Talk time of about 21 hours on WCDMA network.
If the listing price is correct then it would be a marginal increase over the price of the Galaxy S4 which was introduced for Rs 41,500 in India.