Samsung India has announced the launch of Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24 Ultra Enterprise Edition smartphones in the country. While the devices’ specifications remain identical to the regular retail models, the Enterprise edition devices offer other benefits targeted at corporate users.
Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra Enterprise Edition: Price, Availability
Corporate and institutional customers can buy the Enterprise Edition S24 and S24 Ultra at from the Samsung Corporate+ portal. These new devices arrive in the country after Samsung launched the rugged Galaxy XCover 7 Enterprise Edition (Review) earlier this year as the brand’s first-ever enterprise-oriented smartphone in India. Prices for the devices start at Rs 78,999.
Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra Enterprise Edition: What to expect?
The Enterprise Edition Galaxy S24 Ultra boasts 12GB RAM and 256GB storage capacity, while the Enterprise Edition Galaxy S24 offers 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. The new Galaxy Enterprise Edition smartphones come with a 12-month subscription to the Knox Suite, which enables defence-grade security, streamlined EMM enrollment, and comprehensive device/OS management.
It also offers data-driven device usage/security insights and tailored capabilities for frontline workers. The comprehensive solutions in a single bundle allow IT admins to secure, deploy, manage, analyze, and troubleshoot Galaxy devices. The Knox Suite subscription from the second year is offered at a 50% subsidized price. Like the retail units, the Enterprise Edition of Galaxy S24 devices will get up to 7 years of continuous firmware updates, including monthly security patches and Android OS updates.
The Enterprise Edition Galaxy S24 Ultra and Galaxy S24 provide organizations with a comprehensive 3-year warranty throughout India. Samsung notes that the 3-year device warranty will be globally effective from April 2024 for all Enterprise Edition devices launched in 2024 and thereafter applicable only to S24 (Onyx Black, 8/256GB) and S24 Ultra (Titanium Black, 12/256GB). Battery Standard Warranty stands at 12 Months, and a warranty for accessories is offered for 6 months.
Finally, the devices also pack Galaxy AI features, such as Live Translate and Interpreter, for real-time voice and text translations. Chat Assist improves conversational tones, while Note Assist generates summaries and templates in Samsung Notes. Transcript Assist utilizes AI and Speech-to-Text technology to transcribe and translate voice recordings.