Samsung is reportedly gearing up to launch its next smart speaker known as Galaxy Home Mini. The smart speaker is said to be launch right after the Galaxy S20 series, which is scheduled to take place on February 11.
As per a report by Tizen Help, Samsung will launch the Galaxy Home Mini in South Korea on February 12. The report highlights that the smart speaker will come with a price tag of 99,000 won, which roughly translate to Rs 5,930.
Previously, Hyunsuk Kim, CEO of Samsung’s consumer electronics division, told Bloomberg that the Galaxy Home Mini will be available to purchase in early 2020. Interestingly, the smart speaker was showcased during the Samsung Developer Conference as well.
The Galaxy Home Mini will have AKG-tuned speakers and an integrated SmartThings hub for controlling other smart home devices. Like its predecessor, the Galaxy Home Mini will also feature Samsung’s Bixby digital assistant. The device will be able to play music, tell the time, weather, set alarms and reminders and turn other devices on/off.
However, the major factor that will distinguish from other smart speakers is the IR function. With this, one can operate old appliances that usually don’t have an Internet connection. It will come with a multi-room speaker feature through which one can listen to music anywhere in the room.
Meanwhile, the hands-on video of the Galaxy Z Flip has been leaked online. The 19-second video shows the folding mechanism of the smartphone. To start with, one can clearly see that the Galaxy Z Flip will come with a square design when it is folded. There is a secondary display right next to the dual-camera setup. The video also reveals a gradient finish, which comes with a combination of Pink and Purple hue.