Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, which was announced earlier in June this year, is set to be launched in India. The dual SIM handset has been listed on Saholic, an online retailer, which though has not revealed its price yet.
The Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 comes with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system, 1 GHz dual core processor, and 1 GB RAM. The smartphone comes with 5 megapixel rear camera, a VGA front camera, 4 GB inbuilt memory, 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery, and a 4 inch display with 800×480 pixel resolution.
The 3G smartphone has WiFi (b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0, micro USB, and GPS as well. The Galaxy Ace 3 has 64 GB of expandable storage slot as well.
The first generation Samsung Galaxy Ace is still being sold widely in India for around Rs 8,000-Rs 9,000 while the Galaxy Ace Duos costs around Rs 12,000. Samsung has recently also launched a similar feature bearing Galaxy Core for Rs 15,199 which though now selling for around Rs 13,000. Also, the LTE version of Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 has been launched in UK for around £240 or Rs 25,000. So we expect the 3G version of Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 to be launched in India for around Rs 15,000.