The Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) which was launched in India earlier this year has received a price cut of Rs 4,000. Launched at a price of Rs 32,999, the smartphone is now available for purchase on Amazon for Rs 28,999. Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) comes in Black and Gold colours.
To recall, the smartphone was unveiled along with Galaxy A8 (2018) in December last year. The smartphone comes loaded with a host of interesting features. The smartphone is the first from Samsung’s camp to feature dual-selfie cameras. The Galaxy A8+ (2018) bears a 16-megapixel primary camera and an 8-megapixel secondary sensor with the same Aperture of f/1.9. The dual cameras are used to create from clear portrait shots to close-ups with background blur. Then there is Live Focus feature that adjusts the bokeh effect before or after you take the picture. One can also add stickers to a selfie as well. For the rear, there is a 16-megapixel sensor with aperture f/1.7 and LED flash.
The smartphone also comes with the Infinity Display which is present in company’s flagship lineup. The Galaxy A8+ (2018) comes loaded with 6.0-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED Display with both sporting a screen Resolution of 2220 x 1080 pixels. The phone also comes with Always On Display feature as well.
The Galaxy A8+ (2018) support Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) and Near Field Communication (NFC) and are equipped with Samsung Pay. The fingerprint sensor is located at the back panel just beneath the primary camera. Further, both the phones are the first in A series to support Samsung Gear VR.