Samsung Crystal 4K Dynamic TV has been launched in India. It features 4K Upscaling, Air Slim Design, Dynamic Crystal Colour, Multi Voice Assistant, Q-Symphony, and Crystal Processor 4K, among other features. The TV also comes with a SolarCell remote. Here’s everything you’d want to know about Samsung’s new launch.
Samsung Crystal 4K Dynamic TV: Price, Availability
The latest Crystal 4K Dynamic TV is available in 43-inch and 55-inch screen sizes and starts at Rs 41,990. It is available on Samsung’s official online store and exclusively on Amazon.
Samsung Crystal 4K Dynamic TV: Features
The 2024 Crystal 4K Dynamic TV features 4K Upscaling technology, allowing viewers to enjoy their favourite content with enhanced detail and vibrant colour, even if the original content is of a lower resolution. This technology upscales the picture quality to match up to the 4K Resolution closely.
With over 100 channels available, Samsung TV Plus offers free live TV and on-demand content. Then, Samsung’s own Crystal colour technology enhances the visual experience by with advanced phosphor technology, delivering more accurate and richer colours.
The Crystal 4K Dynamic TV boasts an Air Slim design, featuring a sleek and slim profile. It also has built-in Knox security, which securely provides cross-cutting protection to user data and services from Samsung’s Smart TV devices to online platforms and services. The SolarCell Remote is an eco-friendly product that is made with recycled material and charges using sunlight or indoor light, eliminating the need for disposable batteries.
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With built-in support for Bixby and Amazon Alexa, the Multi Voice Assistant feature allows users to effortlessly control their TV and other smart home devices using voice commands. Further, equipped with the Crystal Processor 4K, the new TV provides enhanced picture quality with precise colour mapping.
The Contrast Enhancer feature automatically adjusts the contrast settings across different parts of the screen, ensuring a more dynamic picture. The Crystal 4K Dynamic TV also offers HDR technology, elevating the on-screen picture with rich darks and bright lights.
The intelligent feature of Q-Symphony enables the TV’s built-in speakers and a connected soundbar to work together simultaneously. Object Tracking Sound Lite (OTS Lite) technology delivers a dynamic 3D sound experience by tracking the movement of on-screen elements and producing sound from the corresponding locations using multi-channel speakers. The adaptive sound feature optimizes the audio output based on real-time scene analysis, providing the most appropriate sound experience for every type of content.