Samsung has announced its latest smartphone, Galaxy Ace Duos, for the international markets. The smartphone is an upgraded version of the Galaxy Ace Duos i589 which is available in India for around Rs 14,000. The new upgraded Ace Duos brings along dual SIM slots (GSM+GSM) for cellular connectivity as compared to the GSM+CDMA combination of the older Ace Duos i589.
Building on the success of the popular Galaxy Ace, the new Galaxy Ace Duos comes with a premium design, high-end features, and provides a rich smart experience with a Dual SIM support system, allowing users to manage their work and personal lives with one smartphone. Users can also use the device to carry two SIM cards with different billing plans, switching when convenient or cost-appropriate.
The 3.5 inch display bearing Galaxy Ace Duos GSM comes with HSDPA 7.2 connectivity that delivers fast data speeds with minimal lag-times. Additionally, users can take advantage of the integrated 5 megapixel camera to take and share stunning photos and videos.
Samsung’s Touchwiz user interface has been incorporated in the device that lets users navigate the phone easily and fluidly. An onboard 3 GB of storage will enable users to store sufficient videos, music, and images for entertainment on the go. Also Samsung’s ChatON communication service also comes preinstalled on the device and lets users connect to any phone platform into a single community
The Galaxy Ace Duos GSM will be rolled out from June in Russia first but would be gradually rolled out in Europe, CIS countries, Latin America, Southeast and Southwest Asia, Middle East, Africa, and China.
Samsung has not revealed its price yet but is expected to do so shortly.
Samsung announces Galaxy Ace Duos GSM Android smartphone
It has a 823 MHz processor, Android Gingerbread, 5 megapixel onboard camera and dual SIM slot.