Samsung India today launched the 2024 lineup of Crystal 4K Vivid, Crystal 4K Vision Pro & Crystal 4K Vivid Pro TV series in India. The Crystal 4K TV line-up comes with a variety of features like 4K Upscaling, SolarCell Remote, Multi Voice Assistant, Q-Symphony, and Crystal Processor 4K.
Samsung 2024 Crystal 4K TVs: Price, Availability
The new Crystal 4K Vivid, Crystal 4K Vision Pro & Crystal 4K Vivid Pro TV series will be available on online platforms and Samsung’s website in 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch, 65-inch, and 75-inch screen sizes. The Crystal 4K Vivid series starts at Rs 32,990, the Crystal 4K Vision Pro series starts at Rs 34,490, and the Crystal 4K Vivid Pro series starts at Rs 35,990. Only the Vivid Pro series won’t be available on Flipkart while the other two series will be available on the e-commerce platform.
Samsung 2024 Crystal 4K TVs: Features
The Samsung 2024 Crystal 4K TV series comes with up to 2 years of warranty, including 1-year standard warranty and 1-Year Extended Warranty on the panel only. The new TV series also comes with features such as Samsung TV Plus and a built-in IoT Hub with Calm Onboarding. The built-in Multi Voice Assistant allows consumers to give the TVs Voice commands by using either Bixby or Amazon Alexa.
The Crystal 4K TV series is powered by a 4K upscaling feature that enhances and upscales the quality of lower-resolution content to match the higher Resolution of a 4K display. It further supports One Billion True Colours along with technologies like PurColor, Crystal Processor 4K & HDR10+.
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They feature OTS (Object Tracking Sound) Lite technology which allows consumers to feel the on-screen motion along with 3D surround sound created with two virtual speakers. Adaptive Sound provides optimal sound experience by analyzing all content scene-by-scene in real-time, making it more dynamic and amplifying the intended effects.
The Samsung TVs come with a SolarCell Remote that can be charged through indoor room lights as well, so users don’t need disposable batteries. Then, these TVs also support brand’s Proprietary Q-Symphony intelligent feature which allows Samsung TV and Soundbar to synchronize for an elevated surround sound effect without muting the television speakers. Samsung’s Q-Symphony feature, which is unique to Samsung Crystal 4K TVs, synchronizes the TV’s built-in speakers with the Soundbar, combining their outputs.
Finally, they also have an Auto Game Mode and Motion Xcelerator, which allow faster frame transition and low Latency for an immersive gaming experience.