Global electronics brand Samsung has announced the launch of its latest tablet – the Galaxy Tab 2, 10.1 – in the Indian market. The tablet was announced earlier this year during the Mobile World Congress. The tablet comes with the latest Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system and is the second generation 10.1 inch Android tablet from Samsung.
The Galaxy Tab 2, 10.1 features a dual core 1 GHz processor along with a 1 GB of DDR 2 RAM for better multitasking and performance in applications. The Tab 2 features the all new PLS (Plane to line switching) technology based display; this technology allows the display to show superior colours, contrast and even wider screen viewing angles than the existing IPS technology based displays. The 10.1 inch display features a capacitive touch and a 1204 x 800 pixel native resolution.
The tablet features HSPA+ 3G connectivity allowing it to get data download speeds of up to 21 Megabits per second which will come in real handy while accessing social media websites or while sharing content on various websites online. The tablet is powered by the latest Android ICS 4.0 operating system that not only offers functionality of a tablet but also allows users to use it as a regular smartphone for communications as well.
The tablet features a 3 megapixel rear camera which is capable of video recording in HD 720p resolution while it also gets a VGA camera for video conferencing and video calling.
The tablet is available for buyers throughout the country and has been made available in 16 GB variant only. The device carries a price tag of Rs 32,990 which might be a bit on the higher side but it’s the only 10.1 inch tablet in India to come with ICS pre-installed.