Digital entertainment and gaming company, JetSynthesys and Sachin Tendulkar have unveiled the Sachin Saga VR – India’s first Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cricket Game. The game was launched along with the Sachin Saga VR Limited Edition Headset at the CII India Gaming Show (IGS) event in New Delhi.
Speaking about the Sachin Saga VR, the game allows players to test their batting reflexes facing bowlers delivering balls at over 150KPH which are tracked with real-time physics from pitch to wicketkeeper. Users will also get to experience real-time shadows and motion capturesby the Master Blaster himself with over 28 unique cricketing shots.
There are over 100 cricket matches to choose from in the Legend mode and players can also take on international opponents in Quick Matches. They will also be able to compete in head-to-head multiplayer matches with friends and family.
Additionally, JetSynthesys has launched the Sachin Saga VR Limited Edition Headset which comes with the Sachin Saga VR game and support for over 3,000 apps compatible with Google Cardboard. The headset supports a 100-degree view of the field, high-quality resin lenses and a customized Bluetooth controller for pro-gaming action.
Speaking at the launch, Sachin Tendulkar said “With VR, for the first time, the lines between gaming and real blur to give gamers an accurately simulated experience of the stadium, with real-time action right on their mobile screens. I thoroughly enjoyed reliving my matches with Sachin Saga VR, and I am sure it will resonate with cricket fans and gamers all over the world”.
JetSynthesys MD and Vice Chairman, Rajan Navani commented saying “Over the last year, Sachin Saga Cricket Champions has seen phenomenal success making it one of the most popular cricket mobile games, validated by the sheer downloads and user interest on the platform. Buoyed by this response and euphoria associated with cricket, we are delighted to launch Sachin Saga VR, a first of its kind innovation in the gaming industry bringing gamers closer to their favourite sport and its legend through an immersive social and virtual reality experience”.
The Sachin Saga VR Limited Edition Headset along with the Bluetooth Controller and Sachin Saga VR Game comes at an asking price of Rs 1,499 on