Yesterday, at event in Delhi, Ringing Bells, an unknown company in handset market, launched the world’s cheapest smartphone Freedom 251 for just Rs 251. The smartphone in the initial phase will be available only through online booking on Ringing Bells’s website. The company has started taking pre orders for it and has said the phone will be dispatched before June 30.
Ringing Bells President Ashok Chadha said, “The real cost of the device is Rs 2,500, which will be recovered through tie up with startups, innovative marketing, reduction in duties, economies of scale, and selling the device using the online media.”
He further added, “Freedom 251 will be assembled in India, in line with Make in India initiative of Prime minister Narendra Modi. The company plans to invest Rs 500 crore in setting up two manufacturing/ assembly units in Noida and Uttaranchal.”
In terms of targets, the company plans to sell more than 1 crore smartphones per month going forward but as of now if the receives 2.5 lakhs pre-order for Freedom 251 they will stop taking further orders.
On the specification front, Freedom 25 runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system and is powered by a 1.3 GHz quad core processor. The phone has a 4 inch IPS touchscreen as well that has WVGA (800×480 pixels) resolution. It has 8 GB of internal memory, 1 GB RAM, a 1450 mAh battery, 3.2 Megapixel rear camera and a 0.3 megapixel front camera, and supports dual SIMs.