Days after launching the JioInteractive video calling, Reliance Jio today launched its new Rs 199 JioPostpaid plan that offers its users unlimited calling, SMS and up to 25GB data. Having already thrown off its competition with its prepaid plans, the latest JioPostpaid offer is expected to disrupt what’s left of its telecom counterparts.
The new plan can be activated for a monthly payment of Rs 199 and offers international calling at 50 paise per minute, which is just as much as what Indians used to pay for local calls before Jio arrived. Additionally, customers wouldn’t even need a security deposit for their postpaid account and the same applies for international calling as well.
International calls to Canada and US will be charged as low as 50 paise per minute while Rs 2 will be charged for calls to UK, China, France and Bangladesh. However, users will still have to chuck in Rs 6 per minute on calls to Saudi Arabian Nigeria, Israel, Spain, Sweden and other countries.
In case of international roaming, users visiting the USA, UAE, Singapore, Switzerland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Italy, and Thailand will be charged Rs 2 for every minute they spend on a call. For Roaming in Egypt, China, Taiwan, Spain and Brazil, the same would be up to Rs 10.
Users can also avail the unlimited international plan for an asking price of Rs 575 which offers unlimited local international + unlimited calls back to India with unlimited SMS and unlimited data. All of this comes at a catch though, as the pack is only valid for a day. For longer validity, users will have to pay as much as Rs 2,875 and Rs 5,751 for 7-day and 30-day validity.