Realme X50 Pro 5G will be launched in India on February 24. The phone will also be announced online globally in Madrid the same day. The company has been teasing the features of the upcoming smartphone from quite some time. Now new details for the front camera have been revealed by Realme.
Realme in a poster on Weibo has now confirmed that the Realme X50 Pro will feature a dual selfie camera setup. The primary lens is a 32 Megapixel sensor while the secondary is an ultra wide angle lens.
Meanwhile, Realme Europe also on Twitter has posted some camera samples of Realme X50 Pro from the telephoto camera which show out the 20x hybrid zoom.
Detail matters.
Do you know how many times #realmeX50Pro can zoom in?
— realme Europe (@realmeeurope) February 16, 2020
Recently, it was confirmed that Realme X50 Pro will feature a 64 megapixels primary sensor for quad-camera setup. The phone will also support up to 20x hybrid zoom which means that the device is likely to be equipped with a telephoto camera as well.
Realme X50 Pro will feature a Super AMOLED display on its front panel which can support up to 90Hz screen refresh rate. The phone is also confirmed to feature 65W SuperDart charging technology.
Realme X50 Pro will be the company’s first smartphone to be powered by Snapdragon 865 processor. It will be a 5G smartphone supporting both standalone (SA) and non-standalone (NSA) modes. It will run Android 10 with realme UI on top.
Realme X50 Pro 5G is said to be backed by 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 256GB of UFS 3.0 storage. It might come with an AMOLED Full HD+ Resolution with 2400 x 1080 pixels resolution.