After its intense battle with Xiaomi in the smartphone arena, Realme is now entering the Indian smart TV market as well. The company has launched two products for the country, with prices starting from Rs 12,999 and size range between 32-inch and 43-inch. So we have decided to compare 43-inch full-HD smart TV from Realme with the Mi TV 4a Pro variant, as both of them are priced at Rs 21,999 and offer identical features. So if you’re in the market to buy a smart TV, here’s what you need to know.
Mi TV 4a Pro 43 vs Realme Smart TV 43: Design
Most of the smart TVs available in the market these days carry a unique design appeal. The bezels are slim, the stature of the TV is imposing but lightweight, without compromising on their durability. And these two TVs are no different. The front of the TV primarily houses the LED display, while some space the bottom is reserved for the branding. The edges are given a mix of metal and plastic finishing, which tends to reflect the pricing on offer.
At the back, both these TVs use plastic for construction, where the essential part of connectivity, ie ports are placed. Just in case you wanted to know, Realme TV weighs 6.8 kg, while Mi TV 4a Pro weighs at 7.4 kg.To the naked eye, both Mi TV and Realme Smart TV offer a design appeal that was hard to find with TVs in this price range a few years back.
Mi TV 4a Pro 43 vs Realme Smart TV 43: Display
As the name suggests both the TVs get a 43-inch display as well as the same 1920×1080 pixels Full-HD Resolution with 60Hz refresh rate. Unlike smartphones, TVs continue to adopt the traditional 16:9 ratio and we don’t see that changing anytime soon. The screen quality of these TVs are hard to differentiate. Both offer deeper blacks with focus on high contrast and that’s purely attributed to the same set of panels used by manufacturers of these affordable smart TVs.
Mi TV 4a Pro 43 vs Realme Smart TV 43: Hardware and Software
Realme is using a quad-core Mediatek Processor for its smart TV, with 1GB RAM and offers 8GB storage for the apps loaded on the TV. While Mi TV packs a quad-core Amlogic processor with 1GB RAM and 8GB storage as well. Realme TV comes with 4 units of 24W speakers with Dolby Audio, but Mi TV 4a Pro only packs 2 units of 10W speakers. In terms of connectivity, Realme offersWi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, LAN port, DLNA, 3x HDMI port, 1 AV port and 2 USB ports.
Whereas Mi TV 4a Pro comes with 3x USB ports, 3x HDMI ports, Ethernet point, AV port, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2. Here’s look at the bundled remote from both these brands.
For software, Realme is going for the reliable stock Android TV platform without any customisations to the interface. This ensures you can access the Google Play Store for apps and download all popular streaming platforms, including Netflix. Mi TV runs on PatchWall UI which has been built over Android TV. This platform lets you access DTH and internet content on the same interface, without having to switch cords or remote.
Mi TV 4a Pro 43 vs Realme Smart TV 43: Which one fares better?
As you can see both these smart TVs are pretty much equal to each other. Same display size, same pricing, identical design of the remote as well. You could say that Android TV on Realme TV has its benefits, while PatchWall UI on MI TV has its drawbacks. Add to that, Realme is giving you more speaker power, that appeals to Indian consumers. So, in the end it comes down to choices. If you’re keen to stick with a more known TV brand then Mi TV is an easy pick. But if you think Realme TV offers more for the value then go ahead with the 43-inch Smart TV.