On May 9, 2017, Qualcomm introduced their mobile processors, the Snapdragon 630 and Snapdragon 660. Now the company has released a new mobile platform, the Snapdragon 450. Currently, Snapdragon 435 is the king of the 400 series and is present in smartphones like Redmi 4X and Huawei Y7 Prime.
The Snapdragon 450 is an octa-core processor. It is the first 14nm chip in the 400 series. All its predecessors are based on 28nm designs. The Processor has 8 ARM Cortex-A53 cores with clock speeds of 1.8 GHz.The Qualcomm Technologies advanced 64-bit CPU architecture is designed to tackle the toughest mobile workloads. The firm claims that its Qualcomm Adreno 506 GPU gives upto 25% higher performance.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor adds more value to 400 series by enhancing the power performance, camera, and multimedia and connectivity technologies. The launch time of the apps are faster. Upto 20% faster App launch time for social apps and emails, 15% for Maps and over 10% for Games.
Display: Supports high-quality display plus enhanced power saving.
Battery: The Snapdragon 450 provides upto 4 hours longer battery life and 25% higher. It has Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 which enables zero to 85% charge in just 35 minutes and is upto 27% faster and 45% more efficient than its prior generations.
Camera and video:The Snapdragon 450 is the first in the 400-tier to support real-time Bokeh effects. It is also designed to improve on previous generations by including support for enhanced dual camera at 13+13MP, or single camera support up to 21MP; hybrid autofocus; and 1080p video capture and playback at up to 60fps, enabling slow motion capture. The Snapdragon 450 also includes support for 1920×1200 full HD displays, as well as the Qualcomm Hexagon DSP, which enables multimedia, camera and sensor processing at greater performance and lower power than the previous generation.
USB: This new processor has improved USB, USB 3.0. This USB significantly decreases the download time and enables faster data transfer. Maximum download speed becomes 5 Gbps. Snapdragon 450 is the first in its tier to support fast data transfer.
Along with these features, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 supports additional features Power Management, Speaker amp, touch, fingerprint, LTE version, spectral Band and Audio Codec.
The Snapdragon 450 seems to be the most powerful among all in the 400 series. It remains to be seen if this claim is vindicated once phone users work with the platform.