Qualcomm has released a new mobile Processor to join its existing Snapdragon family. The new Snapdragon 805 mobile system-on-chip features a faster CPU core in the heart. Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 is meant to be ready for the Ultra HD (4k) video and graphics.
The new Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 packs the quad-core Krait 450 CPU that can clock up to 2.5 GHz per core. This CPU is paired with the new Adreno 420 graphics chip which together makes the SoC solution to support Ultra HD Resolution for videos, images and graphics. The SoC boasts of offering 25.6 GB/second memory Bandwidth for super smooth multimedia and web browsing experience.
The new Adreno 420 GPU supports hardware tessellation and geometry shaders along with advanced 4K content rendering for realistic scenes and objects. These visually intensive graphics will provide near-real experience video and game graphics. Also, the SoC is capable of streaming high quality video with much less power consumption than its predecessor solutions. Qualcomm has also added support for its Gobi 9×35 LTE modems in the Snapdragon 805 SoC chipset.
The company is currently sampling the Chipset with device makers and the first products packing Snapdragon 805 chip can be expected in first half of 2014. We expect the prices of such products little higher that the current top of the line devices.