LG and Google were rumored of working on the next generation Google Nexus smartphone. A glimpse of the same device was recently spotted at the Android 4.4 KitKat statue unveiling as reported by The Mobile Indian. Now, S4GRU spotted details of the LG Nexus 5 smartphone listed as LG D820 in the Federal Communications Commission filing listed online. The details listed in the filing revealed couple of key features of the LG D820.
The FCC filings for device authorization are quite technical and the details of the LG D820 are spread all over documents. From the documents, the LG D820 smartphone touted as the Nexus 5 with a 5-inch touchscreen display and considering the current trend, we can anticipate 1080p HD Resolution for that.
One of the documents also points at the firmware used which reveals the quad-core 2.x GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 MSM8974A chipset. Also in the same document, the debug firmware is listed as Key Lime Pie which might be changed to KitKat later. The US version will support penta-band 4G LTE networks and quad-band 3G networks. Other features will include Dual-Band WiFi network support, Near Field Communication chip and also Wireless Charging.
Interesting bit spotted is the 2300 mAh battery in the Nexus 5 and this battery will not be removable. That leaves us with yet another obvious fact – no Memory card slot. However, one must not forget that the test results listed the device as an identical prototype and the final design might be slightly different.
Usually, the new Nexus device is introduced before the end of every year. We expect the new Nexus 5 smartphone to launch sometime around late November this year.