View Sonic has launched a PJD7720HD LightStream projector for Rs 74,900. The projector can deliver up to 3,200 lumens of brightness and comes with a contrast ratio of 22000:1. The model boasts a 1.1x Optical Zoom and a lamp life of 4000 hours in normal mode; whereas a lamp life of 10000 hours in SuperEco mode which is just like the power saving mode in our smartphone. It consists of a FullHD 1920 x 1080 resolution, along with user-friendly design.
It supports audio ports, wireless HDMI dongles and MHL connectors. With a smart design, the PJD7720HD is the ideal projector for high definition presentations. The noise level of the projector is up to 30 decibels, in Eco mode. The power consumption of the projector is up to 330 W.
As per the company’s claim, unlike other Digital Light Processing(DLP)projectors which increase their white colour segment to enhance brightness, ViewSonic utilises its own RGBCYW colour wheel solution. ViewSonic’s Proprietary SuperColor Technology offers a wider colour range than conventional DLPR projectors. In addition to this, ViewSonic’s exclusive PortAll feature caters an integrated and secure MHL/HDMI port that lets you discretely stream multimedia content from a wireless dongle, or lets you connect to other devices via an HDMI cable. However, wireless dongle is optional.
Furthermore, the projector features an Auto Power On mode wherein once a VGA or HDMI cable is connected and the signal is detected, LightStream projectors will power on automatically. Along with this, the Smart Restart feature in the projector enables instant reactivation during the presentation, with Smart Restart, the projector automatically enters a 3-minute standby mode when it is idle and turns down the projection to a power-saving 30% brightness. During standby mode, one can reactivate the projector for continued use without waiting for a complete power cycle.
The package includes one power cord of 1.8 meters in black, a five meter VGA cable, four 3 meter power cable, a USB cable of five meters, an audio cable of 5 meters, three touching pens, and an RS232 adapter.
Additionally, it consists of one remote control with batteries (without Laser pointer), a quick start guide and a ViewSonic CD Wizard along with a user manual.