Poco has launched its latest C-series smartphone in India, called the Poco C51. The device looks like a rebadged Redmi A2+ that was unveiled but didn’t make its way to India. Poco is planning to go against some of the offerings from Nokia, Motorola, Realme and Redmi in the same price segment as Poco C51. So let’s take a detailed look at what the Poco C51 has to offer via this FAQ.
What is the price of Poco C51 in India?
The new Poco C51 is priced in India at Rs 8,499 for the sole 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant. It is offered in Power Black and Royal Blue colour options. Poco will be offering the device at Rs 7,999 for a limited time.
When will the Poco smartphone become available for purchase?
The device is currently listed on Flipkart with a ‘coming soon’ tag, with sales starting from April 10.
Are there any launch offers applicable on the Poco C51?
Yes, Poco is offering a couple of launch offers on the smartphone. Sale offers on the Poco C51 include a five percent cashback for customers purchasing the device via Flipkart Axis Bank cards. Poco is offering a Rs 700 additional discount on purchases made using select bank cards.
What is the size of the display on Poco C51?
Which Processor powers the Poco device and how much RAM and storage does it have?
The MediaTek Helio G36 chip powers the Poco C51. It is paired with 4GB of RAM. The inbuilt RAM can be virtually expanded up to 7GB. There’s 64GB of inbuilt storage which is expandable up to 1TB using a microSD card.
How many cameras are there on the Poco C51?
The Poco C51 has a dual 8MP rear camera setup accompanied by an additional QVGA sensor, and a 5MP front facing sensor.
What are the connectivity options available?
The Poco C51 supports 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Glonass, Beidou, a micro-USB port, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Does the smartphone have a fingerprint sensor?
Yes, the Poco C51 sports a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor for authentication.
What is the battery capacity of Poco C51 and which Android version does it run on?
The Poco C51 is backed by a 5,000mAh battery with 10W standard charging support. It runs on Android 13 (Go Edition) out of the box.