Pantel Technologies, which launched its tablets earlier in partnership with BSNL, has added a new low cost tablet to its arsenal. Called the Pantel T-Pad IS701C, the new Android tablet is priced at Rs 4,999.
But given a lot of criticism about the delayed delivery of its tablets earlier, Pantel will sell this tablet through retail stores also apart from selling it though BSNL network which is also offering special plans with Pantel tablets.
The new tablet comes with a Cortex A8 1GHz Processor and a 7 inch 800X480 pixel based TFT LCD capacitive multi-touch screen. The device comes with the Ice Cream Sandwich Android operating system (OS).
The Penta T-Pad IS701C tablet is a WiFi device with 3G USB dongle support. It has a host USB 2.0 port and an additional micro USB port and a 0.3 Megapixel front camera.
The company claims that the tablet offers six hours of battery back-up. The tablet has a 512 MB DDR III RAM, with an internal storage of 4 GB (expandable to 32GB). The device comes with a 720p HDMI port.