Panasonic India today launched its octa-core smartphone “P55 Novo” with a 5.3 inch HD IPS display. The new smartphone with fabric textured back design has an integrated IR Blaster which allows the handset to act as a universal remote controller for TV, Set-top-Box, AC or any other such equipment with IR sensing capability. One may also tune in, set reminders, discover shows & control their home devices with the app.
Note that there is an older phone which also goes by the name Panasonic P55 but it is a quad core phone.
P55 Novo is powered by the 1.4 GHz Mediatek True Octa Core processor running with a support of 1GB RAM and 8GB of Internal Memory which can be expanded upto 32GB. The software capabilities feature various gesture based functions like Double Tap to Lock/Unlock, Smart Swipe functionality where in a combination of number of fingers and direction of swipe can help user perform various predefined functions providing ease of access. Panasonic however has not revealed its operating system or connectivity features.
In addition, the smartphone fits a 13 Megapixel rear camera with Triple LED flash for Ultra-low light conditions. Its 5 MP front camera is also equipped with an LED Flash enabling the device to click selfies even in low light condition. The phone has a 2500 mAh battery.
Expressing his pleasure on the launch, Manish Sharma, managing director, Panasonic India said “With consumer priorities changing radically, we believe in enhancing customer experience by providing them with smart technology on the go. With the new smartphone, we are here to to offer a new dimension wherein the model has been specially designed to provide easy accessibility to consumers looking for a single App to control all home devices.”
The phone will be made available to Indian consumers from the first week of July, 2015, at the best buy price of Rs 9,290.