Chinese handset maker Oppo is all set to make an official entry in the Indian Market by end of this month. To mark its entry, the company will launch its Oppo N1 smartphone in India in an event on January 30, Oppo India said this via its Twitter account. Oppo N1 features a 5.9-inch full HD display, powered with a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 mobile processor and has a 13 Megapixel rotating camera.
The Oppo N1 smartphone got critical acclaims for the design and innovation packed inside. The highlight of the Oppo N1 smartphone is a rotating 13 megapixel camera as is found in Gionee Elife E7 Mini.
Oppo N1 has a 5.9-inch IPS LCD display supporting 1920×1080 pixel resolution, at pixel density of 377 pixels per inch. This display has been constructed using the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 technology to offer make it strong and resistant to usual wear-tear.
Oppo has powered the large screen N1 with a quad-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 mobile Chipset married with 2 GB RAM. By default, the N1 will be offered in 16 GB or 32 GB on-board storage options.
The N1 has Color OS which is based on the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. This approach is somewhat similar to that of Amazon using Android based OS on Kindle tablets. Undoubtedly, the Google Play Store based apps would be supported on the N1.
The camera packs a 13 megapixel image sensor with a dedicated image signal processor inside the phone. The image sensor is coupled with f/2.0 Aperture to capture more light and support different scene modes such as High-Speed, Rewind, Beautify and Slow Shutter. Packing a Dual-Mode LED flash along with, the camera module rests on the top and has rotatable portion.
The N1 supports Penta-band HSPA networks to offer great voice call strength and faster mobile web with WiFi as well. Other features include Bluetooth 4.0, Near Field Communication, GPS and USB on the go. Besides, it has distance sensor, light sensor, G-sensor and 4D Gyroscope. Oppo has packed a 3610 mAh battery in the phone.
Oppo N1 competes with the Gionee Elife E7 Mini purely on the rotating camera basis. The Gionee Elife E7 Mini has though a 4.7 inch display, 1 GB RAM, 2100 mAh battery, and only 16 GB storage.