Oppo India has announced a Social Media Diwali contest that commenced on October 15 (yesterday) and allows users to win the Diwali Bonanza -home digitization products worth Rs 5 lakhs as the grand prize and 10 other lucky winners can take home OPPO N1 (worth Rs 32,990/-) exclusively signed by superstar and Oppo brand ambassador Hrithik Roshan.
Anyone who brought an Oppo handset from online and offline channels starting 17th October till Diwali are eligible to participate in the contest. All they have to do is visit the Oppo Facebook page and provide few details on the contest application.
“Thereafter, they have to submit a video, audio or a text message to impress Ollie, Oppo’s mascot with their innovative Diwali wish. The user that impresses Ollie the most earns the chance to get their home digitized,” said Oppo in a press release.
Home digitization includes amazing gifts like 55″ Full HD LED along with a double door 310 litre refrigerator, 1.5ton 3 star split ac, fully automatic front loading washing machine, Blu Ray home theater system, gaming console, microwave, juicer mixer grinder, trimmer and steam iron to name a few. The others win the OPPO N1, world’s first smartphone with a 5.9″ screen, 206 degree rotating camera and rear touch panel. The contest ends on October 23, 2014.