A relatively unknown Bangalore-based online shopping store, Bhaap.com, has started selling the latest Apple iPhone 5 (16 GB) in India for Rs 51,995 for just one day or till the stocks last. Incidentally, the company had earlier announced that it will sell iPhone 5 (16 GB) for Rs 71,000.
Company spokesperson was unavailable for commenting on the price flip flop but we guess Rs 71,000 price bracket was not exciting enough and Bhaap.com revised the pricing to lure buyers.
Apart from that, the online company is selling Apple iPhone 5’s 32GB version for Rs 83,995 and iPhone 5’s 64GB version for Rs 94,995.
The unlocked Apple iPhone 5 with manufacturer warranty will be shipped free across India for those customers who book the device on the site.
Apple has unveiled the iPhone 5, the thinnest and lightest among iPhones, last week at an event in San Francisco, USA. It is a completely redesigned gadget from Apple’s portfolio with a new 4-inch Retina display, an Apple-designed A6 Processor and the latest iOS 6 operation system.