Nokia Lumia 925 with Windows Phone 8 has been expected to hit Indian shores since months. Now the Lumia 925 is listed for pre-order for Rs 33,999 on Flipkart. This new smartphone flaunts full aluminum and improved camera sensor along with bunch of Imaging centric improvements. Nokia Lumia 925 will be offered in grey, black and white colours. The Lumia 925 is expected to be available in the fourth week of this month.
Nokia Lumia 925 brings a fresh approach to the chassis materials with Aluminum chassis. The new Lumia 925 is mere 8.5 mm thick and weighs about 139 grams along with the battery. Inside the aluminum chassis, Nokia has packed a dual-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro mobile processor, 1 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage. The Lumia 925 flaunts a 4.5-inch AMOLED Display sporting 1280×768 pixel resolution. Yes, indeed it is a 720p HD ready and has been constructed using the Gorilla Glass 2 technology for strength. It also features Nokia ClearBlack technology for blocking the reflection from the screen. By default the Nokia Lumia 925 will run Windows Phone 8 mobile OS and will come with bunch of Nokia Lumia exclusive apps as well as services.
Major changes are made in the imaging department where Nokia has used the 8.7 Megapixel image sensor with PureView technology as the one used in Lumia 920. However, the optimization comes in the lenses where Nokia has added a layer of glass lens as the sixth lens with the regular five plastic lenses in the image sensor. We were kind of hoping for Carl Zeiss optics but as of now the Nokia hasn’t shared any such details.
Apart from that, Nokia has added a dual-LED flash and improved optical image stabilization with the tweaked algorithms to deliver better performance in both – bright and low light conditions. Nokia has also added new Smart Camera mode that can be made default camera mode to click great quality images with minimal fiddling around with the settings. Refreshed camera user interface also brings Pro mode that lets the user enjoy full manual control of the camera.
The Smart Camera mode allows the camera to capture ten images with the motion focus feature. This enables the user to employ changes such as remove blur or alter images in the background. Apart from that, the Nokia Lumia 925 will also support the Long Term Evolution networks and added 2000 mAh battery for longer time. The Lumia 925 will also feature wireless charging supported with additional sleeves available separately in white, black, yellow and red colours.