Microsoft has recently shared few details about the upcoming Windows Phone 8.1 software update. The new Windows Phone 8.1 update is expected to bring support for more mobile chipsets and on-screen menu buttons. Meanwhile, EVLeaks has now shared image of the upcoming Lumia 630 smartphone that showed on-screen menu buttons, which points towards the Windows Phone 8.1. No further details were shared but the smartphone is expected to be released sometime later this year.
Nokia had introduced the Lumia 620 smartphone last year with monoblock unibody design and rounded corners. The Lumia 620 had a removable back panel and demonstrated the minimalistic design approach.
In the image, the time stamp shows 6:30 which typically points at the model number – just like images of many other Lumia devices. Even the display seems to have got some bump and we are expecting a 4-inch screen size here.
The home screen shows some pre-installed apps such as Instagram, Vine, and WhatsApp. The Nokia Camera App is also visible to the Lumia 620 and it is quite expected to arrive with minimal set of features. Other noticeable feature of the Lumia 630 is Microsoft OneDrive icon and the Office suite shortcut on the homescreen.
Nokia introduced the Lumia 620 in India for Rs 14,999 and we expect similar pricing for the Lumia 630 as well.