Noise, a new accessories brand in India, has today announced the launch of its latest smartwatch in India. Known as NoiseFit Fusion, the smartwatch comes with a price tag of Rs 6,999 and it is available for purchase from Amazon, Flipkart and company’s official website.
The NoiseFit Fusion is available in three colour options including Classic Black, Vintage Brown and Rose Gold. The smartwatch comes with a 1.2-inch LCD touch screen with a screen Resolution of 240 x 240 pixels. The watch comes with mechanical hands with smart movement that is aligned alongside notifications like phone calls, reminders and messages.
It comes with 14 different digital watch faces and it also features activity tracking and sleep tracking. The smartwatch comes loaded with a 200mAh battery that company claims can last up to 3 days in Smart mode and 30 days with analogue mode. It is Water-resistant up to 50 meters. The smartwatch is loaded with an optical heart rate sensor and it comes with 3-axis accelerometer. The watch can be connected to Android or iOS devices via Bluetooth 4.0.
Previously, the company introduced Noise Shot Neo wireless earbuds in India for Rs 2,499. It comes with intuitive touch controls through which one can control the music, volumes, receive, end or reject calls, activate personal assistant and more. The earbuds are loaded with 9mm drivers that the company claims deliver rich sound output along with deeper bass.
The company claims that Noise Shot Neo wireless earbuds give up to 6 hours of playback time. It also comes with a charging case of 400mAh battery that offers an additional 12 hours of backup.