Noise has launched a new smartwatch in India, called the NoiseFit Force Plus that’s an upgraded variant of the NoiseFit Force which debuted in January earlier this year. The watch gets an AMOLED Display and is claimed to offer support for over 130 sports modes, up to 7 days of battery life and more.
NoiseFit Force Plus: Price, Specs
The NoiseFit Force Plus is priced at Rs 3,999 and will go on sale from May 1. It can be availed from the brand’s website and Flipkart in Jet Black, Mist Grey, and Teal Blue colours.
As for its features, it gets a rugged design and a body that is claimed to withstand tough outdoor conditions, thanks to the dust and water-resistance. The device has two buttons on the right side. The smartwatch sports a 1.46-inch AMOLED display with a Resolution of 466 x 466 pixels and always-on display functionality. There are a bunch of customisable watch faces available as well.
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It connects with phones wirelessly over Bluetooth v5.0 along with TruSync technology for direct Bluetooth calling via the smartwatch. The device offers other features like call dial pad, weather updates, notifications, voice assistant, and built-in games. The smartwatch is claimed to offer up to 7 days of battery life on a single charge.
Next, the NoiseFit Force Plus is equipped with a heart-rate monitor, SpO2 sensor, sleep and stress tracker, step counter, and support for tracking breathing sessions. It also packs a menstrual cycle monitor for females. The wearable packs support for more than 130 sports modes.