Noise has launched a new smartwatch in India called the ColorFit Vision 2. The smartwatch comes with an AMOLED Display on the front and boasts a battery that lasts up to a week. Further, the watch has support for magnetic charging and showing smart notifications when paired with a smartphone.
The ColorFit Vision 2 will start selling from June 24th with an introductory price tag of Rs 2,999. It will be available on Flipkart and Noise e-store in Black, Blue, Green, and Rose Gold colours.
ColorFit Vision 2 Specifications
The new smartwatch from Noise comes with a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with 368 x 448-pixels resolution. It features side buttons for navigating the UI and offers the Always-on Display feature. In addition, you get a 24/7 heart rate sensor, SpO2 monitor, women’s menstrual cycle tracker, and sleep tracker.
The wearable supports tracking for over 40 sports modes with an auto-detection feature for some of them. In addition, the watch offers multiple smart features like smart notifications, including text messages, emails, social media alerts, weather alerts, alarm clocks, and calendar alerts. The watch can run for up to a week on a single charge, as per claims by Noise. It supports magnetic charging as well.
In recent news about Noise, the brand unveiled its first pair of smart eyewear called i1 in India. The i1 includes a guided audio design to ensure a proper flow of music. Furthermore, it blocks out ambient noise as well. The device offers over 9 hours of playtime on a single charge. It is equipped with Bluetooth 5.1 for connectivity, ensuring that your eyewear connects to your phone as soon as the temples are opened. Noise i1 is available at Rs 5,999 and can be purchased with an invite code.