Noise, smart tech company has launched ColorFIT 2 fitness Band in India for Rs 1,999. The wearable comes in Dusk Pink, Twilight Blue and Midnight Black colours, and will be available on the company’s website and Amazon. There is a one-year manufacturer warranty with the brand as well.
Talking of the specifications, the Noise ColorFIT 2 features a 0.96-inch LCD color screen and uses a new user interface. It comes with a touch bottom-placed under the display instead of a touch screen. It is compatible with iPhones running iOS 8.0 and above and Android phones running Android 4.4.
The wearable comes with notification alerts for calls, texts, WhatsApp messages, Facebook alerts, Skype and more. It supports 14 sports modes and also includes other features like built-in activity tracker, step counter, 24-hour heart rate monitor, sleep tracker, goal completion reminder and sedentary reminder.
For women, there is a menstrual cycle tracking feature in the fitness band. The band comes with an IP68 rating that makes it water-resistant for up to 1.5m deep and 30 minutes. For battery, it comes with a 90mAh battery that offers 5 days battery and 7 days of standby time, along with built-in USB charge port. The weight of the band is 23.5 grams.