Nissan India has launched its NissanConnect platform in India. The company claims that it is developed specifically for the Indian market. The Nissan Connect has been developed by Renault Nissan Technology Business Centre India (RNTBCI). It is a factory fitted Connected Car Technology solution with an embedded Telematics Control Unit paired with an inbuilt SIM for every car and a dedicated server.
It enables drives to be connected to his or her family through the car. Available across the Nissan range of cars – Micra, Sunny and Terrano, the NissanConnect offers 50+ Connected Car features which come with three years of free subscription and one year of Nissan warranty program calculated from the start of the activation.
What can you do with it?
- Find nearby fuel stations, Nissan dealerships, service stations etc.
- Book your car service in advance on the tap of a button
- Locate your car even when you are not with your car
- Fastest route guidance
- Voice Assist
- Speed alert
- NissanConnect alerts you when your vehicle moves out of a set boundary area
- NissanConnect alerts you when your car moves outside a set time
- Share your car location whenever you want and with whomever you want