LG Electronics has reportedly started working on its next generation phablet, dubbed as LG Vu 3. This new large screen smartphone will pack great hardware and will come with latest wireless network support, reported Asia Economic – a Korean news daily.
LG plans to compete with the phablet makers with its powerful Vu 3 phablet. The LG Vu 3 is expected to feature 5.2-inch touchscreen display with 1280×960 pixel resolution which seems bit odd against the full HD resolution of the LG G2. LG has packed the new quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 mobile processor to power the device.
At the rear, LG will pack a 13 megapixel camera with LED Flash. The company plans to offer latest technologies in this device for it will support the new LTE-Advanced standard for select regions only. LG aims to stay ahead of Samsung in terms of its mobile products but the reports about 4:3 aspect ratio bearing display is kind of surprising even to us.
No details about the Android version and release date were mentioned.