Research In Motion plans to name the next generation BlackBerry QNX platform BBX.
According to CrackBerry earlier this week, the name BBX was confirmed by several sources working on the BlackBerry QNX successor platform. Recently, a presentation slide mentioning BBX platform along with iOS and Android was spotted at QNX Auto Summit Japan 2011 in Nagoya.
Derek Kuhn, vice president of sales and marketing for QNX, talked about the QNX Car 2 platform at the summit using a slide that mentioned BBX, iOS and Android in the same line.
Needless to say BBX (BlackBerry X) is RIM’s BlackBerry 7 OS successor development platform based on QNX.
At RIM’s Second Quarter 2011 earnings call last month, RIM’s co-chief executive officer Mike Lazaridis promised that the company will announce the next development platform for QNX and introduce QNX-based development phones at the BlackBerry DevCon starting October 18 in San Francisco, USA.
BlackBerry Colt is the new development phone. It features a 4.1 inch full touchsceen display with dual-core mobile Processor running under its hood. RIM will deliver the BlackBerry QNX successor — BBX on it.