Fennec, officially called the Mobile 4 beta 5 version of Firefox, has been released by Mozilla, and is meant for devices running Android 2.1 or newer editions.
Though the recent version has few feature enhancements over its predecessor, Mozilla claims that Mobile 4 beta 5 starts, loads pages and renders Java Script faster. In future, the company intends to continue focusing on optimising CPU (central processing unit) use.
Firefox 4 beta 5 on Android is smaller than the previous beta version, though it still is 13.5 MB in size because the Java Script and rendering engines remain separate from those of the default browser’s.
The new Browser promises smooth performance, and even if multiple add ons are used, they won’t affect performance. The other evident improvements include better zoom response and, of course, Firefox Sync, which allows you to carry your web history across devices (most useful when you move from a laptop to a smartphone).
Firefox has shown its magic on desktops. Through its latest attempt, it tried to make Firefox a fun mobile browser. However, the verdict will rest on the thumbs of users.