MTS has unveiled three new dual SIM (GSM + CDMA) Android powered smartphones in the price range of Rs 6,000 and Rs 12,000. These smartphones will support CDMA network of MTS as well as GSM network.
Leonid Musatov, chief marketing and sales officer, MTS India said to The Mobile Indian, “The aims of launching these dual Band phones is to address those consumers who want to experience CDMA network without parting ways with their GSM network.”
All the three are based on Android 4.0 and are upgradable to Jelly Bean. Two out of the three smartphones comes with 3.5 inch screen while one comes with a 4 inch screen.
The smartphone with 4 inch screen is priced at Rs 12,000 and has a 1 GHz Qualcomm processor. The remaining two smartphones, which will be priced between Rs 6,000 and Rs 7,000, will be powered by 800 MHz and 1 GHz Qualcomm processors respectively.
The three phones will offer MTS’s high speed EVDO connectivity which offers speeds up to 3.1 Mbps, and will come bundled with unlimited data usage for three months with 1 GB high speed data cap.
Buyers will also get unlimited MTS to MTS calling for three months on these smartphones.
With the unveiling of these three smartphones, MTS now offers a comprehensive range of Android smartphones for discerning, on the move, tech savvy youth.
All the three smartphones will be available in the market from October in retail shops and MTs stores across India.