Motorola had recently announced the new Moto X smartphone with several new features and worked closely with Google Android team for the same. Now according to Taylor Wimberly of ‘Android and Me‘, who wrote on his Google+ page, Motorola is working with Google for the next Nexus smartphone that is scheduled to arrive in the fourth quarter of this year. Wimberly’s posts about the Motorola Moto X turned out to be accurate so everyone is betting on the authenticity of this information.
Google acquired Motorola Mobility last year and then laid off some of the staff to move the bases of the company elsewhere. Following that, Google Android Team and Motorola Teams were working together on a device which now released as the Moto X. Meanwhile, Google is also reported to be working on a new Android version which purportedly called as the Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie running on the next Nexus device.