Motorola Mobility India is back in the game after a long hiatus. Motorola Mobility has announced Moto G with sharp 4.5-inch HD display for India. The Moto G is powered by quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile processor. Motorola has partnered exclusively with Flipkart to introduce the Moto G in India at a price of Rs 12,499 for 8 GB version and Rs 13,999 for 16 GB version. Not only that, Flipkart is also offering several goodies bundled along with Moto G- Rs 500 off on eBooks, Rs 1,000 off on clothing, 70 per cent off on colourful covers and 100 per cent cashback as store credits. However, this offer is limited just for today – unless Flipkart decides to extend it.
Motorola’s new Moto G smartphone will have a replaceable back panels which has created quite a buzz in the US market. Moto G flaunts a 4.5-inch IPS LCD display with 1280×720 pixels per inch. With a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch, the display will be crisp and pleasant to read text. The display has been constructed using the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 technology to make it slimmer, lighter and resistant to normal wear and tear.
The Moto G is powered by a quad-core 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 mobile Chipset with Adreno 305 GPU graphics. Motorola has packed 1 GB RAM to make the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean run easily on the phone. The smartphone will also get the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update. The unique part of this software is that it would be more of pure Android experience without much of custom skin on it.
Motorla Moto G measures 11.6 mm thick and weighs 143 grams. Moto G will be offered in 8 GB or 16 GB storage but does not have a Memory card slot.
Thankfully, it bundles Google Drive 50 GB storage free for two years. At the rear, Moto G packs 5 Megapixel camera with Autofocus and LED flash along with imaging features such as Geo-tagging, touch focus, face-detection, Panorama and HDR. The camera can record HDR Video and video at 720p (HD) quality. In the front, it has a 1.3 megapixel camera for making video calls.
Motorola has packed WiFi (802.11 b/g/n) in the Moto G for faster mobile web experience. Moto G supports quad-band HSPA network for faster mobile internet and can accommodate a micro-SIM module. Other features of Moto G include Bluetooth 4.0, USB Host, micro USB 2.0 and GPS with A-GPS and GLONASS. Motorola has packed a 2070 mAh non-removable battery.
Motorola G with its amazing hardware and price competes with the following handsets.
XOLO Q1000s
Micromax Canvas Doodle 2
Sony Xperia M Dual SIM