Molife Sense 510 smartwatch has been today launched in the wearables segment. Priced at Rs 4499, this is the first ‘Made-in-India’ smartwatch with a calling feature that comes with camera/ media control feature with Dual Bluetooth calling function.
The smartwatch will be available on as part of Amazon Prime Day sale 2021 and from 26th July, 2021, midnight, 00:00 hours. It will be available at an inaugural price of Rs 3999 for the first 5 days.
The Sense 510 smartwatch is available in two colour variants – Black & Blue. It comes with an extra set of straps in the box. Post the inaugural offers, the Sense 510 will be available at a purchase price of Rs 4499. The product will also be available on other leading e-commerce platforms after a week.
It is a lightweight smartwatch that comes with a 1.3-inch round screen IPS display. The Sense 500 offers a huge variety of cloud-based watch face options to choose from. In fact, users can also customise the watch face as per their liking and change watch straps as per their choice, occasion, and outfit
The smartwatch features including IP68 water and dust resistant rating, up to 4 days working time with call feature enabled, 7 sports fitness modes, and unlimited cloud-based watch faces. In addition to this, the watch also has a camera/ media control feature. Other interesting features include dynamic heart rate, blood pressure and SpO2 monitor.
The ‘Sense 510’ smartwatch comes with a packag including a 2Pin magnet cable. There is also a user guide to understand the product & its features in an efficient way. A free watch Strap in a funky ‘Rusty Orange’ colour comes in the box to provide more options and flexibility.
It has a 220 mAh battery with up to 4 days working time with calling feature enabled. The company claims to offer 25-30 days of standby time.