National Consumer Helpline (NCH), which was created to advice and guide consumers in India, has said that the telecom sector recorded maximum complaints above sectors like banking, LPG etc.
Of the total 13,295 calls received by NCH, 14.65 per cent were related to telecom sector. While this could be because telecom sector also has the widest user base amongst all the industries but it doesn’t really reflect well on the industry.
The number of call received by NCH (a mere 13,295) also points to low awareness level amongst the users about the existence of this helpline.
The helpline is one of the easiest way to resolve any issue. As per feedback received from 1109 callers, 1064 complaints were resolved by merely by talking to various companies.
Consumers from across the country can access the toll free National Consumer Help Line No. 1800-11-400 and seek telephonic counseling for consumer related problems faced by them. The Consumer Helpline also provides information, advice and guidance related to consumer issues.
Complaints can also be registered on the NCH website.
Maximum calls were received from Delhi followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.