Microsoft has today launched the Surface Laptop Go in India starting at Rs 63,499. The Surface Laptop Go will be available in India from January 22 via commercial authorized resellers, authorized retail and online partners such as Reliance Digital and Amazon at no-cost EMIs up to 9 months starting Rs 8000/month.
Surface Laptop Go will be available in the following configurations:
i5 + 4GB + 64GB – Rs 63,499 (commercial)
i5 + 8GB + 128GB – Rs 76,199 (commercial) | Rs 71,999 (consumer)
i5 + 8GB + 256GB – Rs 92,999 (commercial) | Rs 91,999 (consumer)
i5 + 16GB + 256GB – Rs 110,999 (commercial)
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go features a 12.4-inch PixelSense LCD panel with a 3:2 aspect ratio and 1536 x 1024-pixel resolution. The laptop has a large precision trackpad and a full-size keyboard with 1.3mm key travel, large precision trackpad and all-day battery life plus Fast Charging.
The laptop is powered by 10th Gen Intel Core i5-1035G1 Processor and up to 16GB RAM and 256GB storage. It has a Fingerprint Power Button with One Touch sign-in through Windows Hello in select models and promises up to 13 hours of battery life with Fast Charging.
When it comes to ports, the new Laptop Go comes with a USB-C port, a USB-A port, a 3.5 mm Headphone jack and a Surface Connect port. You can make video calls with built-in Studio Mics, Omnisonic Speakers and Dolby Audio and 720p HD camera.
Rajiv Sodhi, Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft India commented on the launch “As the reality of hybrid work and learning environments unfolds before us, the PC continues to play an integral role in keeping all of us connected to our work, school, and lives – and every person today needs a PC. Our goal is to design a Surface for every person, work style and location. With the new Surface Laptop Go, we want to give every person in the household or organization a laptop that’s not just something you need to use, but something you want to use. The Surface Laptop Go is our lightest and most affordable Surface laptop yet that offers the perfect balance of performance, battery life and style.”