Microsoft, in association with HP, has announced a new Windows Phone operating system based tablet in India. Named as Omni 10, the tablet is meant for for higher educational students in engineering and management streams and is priced at Rs 29,999. Since it is meant for students, the tablet will come with embedded content from Pearson and Microsoft Office in the higher education space.
As the name suggests itself, the HP Omni 10 comes with a 10.1 inch touchscreen which has 1920×1000 pixels Resolution and is armed with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 that would protect the screen from day to day wear and tear. It weighs just about half a kg and is 9.9 mm thick. It is armed with Intel Atom Z3770 quad core processor, 2 GB RAM, and 32 GB internal storage. It has an expandable storage slot as well that can accomodate a micro SD card of up to 64 GB capacity.
The HP Omni 10 has an 8 Megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel front camera. It has WiFi, HDMI, USB on the go, and Bluetooth for connectivity. It claims to provide about 10 hours of battery back up. The tablet offers Pearson’s e-learning content, including theory papers of first semester engineering and MBA courses.