Micromax has finally introduced the successor of its Canvas 4 smartphone. The handset, named as Canvas Knight A350, is however introduced in Russia and not in India. This Canvas Knight A350 sports 5-inch full HD display and is powered by an octa-core mobile Processor inside. But according to reports, Micromax will soon launch the Canvas Knight A350 in India at sub Rs 25,000 price point.
The Canvas Knight A350 is powered by the 2 GHz MediaTek True Octa-core MT6592 mobile Chipset and 2 GB RAM. The Knight A350 sports a 5-inch IPS LCD display with full HD resolution. At the back, it has a 16 megapixel camera while in the front, the handset sports a 5 megapixel camera.
In terms of design, the resemblance of the Canvas Knight A350 with the Apple iPhone 4S and onwards devices is uncanny. The Canvas Knight A350, with mere 7.3 mm thickness, has golden metallic appearing rim running on the sides resembles to that of the iPhone 4S. At the bottom, the Canvas Knight A350 has speaker mesh and next to it is a micro USB port with a microphone adjacent to it.
Micromax has loaded the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on the Canvas Knight A350 and packed it with a 2350 mAh battery which might be of a worry considering the large display.
The Micromax’s octa-core handset Canvas Knight A350 will compete with the Intex Aqua Octa which comes with a 6-inch HD display, octa-core MediaTek MT6592, 2 GB RAM, 13 megapixel camera and 2300 mAh battery. In terms of pricing, the Canvas Knight A350 is expected cross the Rs 20,000 mark.