MapmyIndia has launched a new dedicated App – Explore – that helps the users locate some of the most essential places across the country. From ATMs to Hospitals, this nifty app offers information about every noteworthy place around the user’s location. Explore app has been made available for the Windows Phone platform through the Windows Phone store.
MapmyIndia had offered the Explore feature in its official app that would help the users find out about the essential places around them. The app offers information about closest hospital or petrol pump to visit. This app can serve really well to those who are not aware of the good places to visit close-by or travelling in a different city.
One may not always open the Google Maps, let it connect and then search for closest petrol pump. Instead, Explore does the same job for the users on Windows Phone. This app also competes with Nokia’s HERE maps and other similar offerings such as Nokia City Lens.
MapmyIndia has also promised to bring the same app for the Android devices very soon.