If you are a professional (doctor, lawyer or any other) or run a small business, you are most likely to be thinking of having your own website (if you don’t have one yet). Though this is a good idea, you should add a mobile App to that wishlist.
With a growing number of smartphones in the market, apps offer a unique opportunity to keep clients and customers involved, informed and connected. So far, getting an app made was a time consuming and costly affair for any business.
But now a company, called App Me In, has come out with solutions that enable businesses of any size to get their own app made in less than a week and for as low as Rs 10,000 a month.
The company not only makes the app but also offers suggestions on what one should include in it. Apps are better for marketing than websites are because they sit on the potential customer’s phone, which is a very personal device. This means that every time you want to send a special offer to your customers, you can do so on a real time basis.
The company has already made apps for a beverage chain with just three stores in Bangalore, for a retailer, a hotel, hospitals, banks etc. Since the company has a non-disclosure agreement, it could not give us the names of those companies.
While these are bigger than most small businesses in India, even a local grocery store can have an app and benefit from it by sending special discounts through it, or by allowing people to select the list of items they want to buy and then delivering them. Though this facility is currently available through a phone call, customers will be able to see  a product and price list on an app.
App Me In (www.appmein.com) says that it makes prototypes of the app for free, and people can actually try the app for a month for Rs 10,000 and would not have to engage long term if they wish to discontinue. Annual packages can be signed later if the customer is satisfied.
The best part is that the annual package ranges between Rs 1.2 lakh to Rs 1.5 lakh only, and monthly charges are simply a division of the amount by 12. For this money, one gets consultation design, listing on app markets and also maintenance and upgrade of apps. The company claims that it can make apps for all the popular mobile platforms like Android, iOS and BlackBerry.
The company says that the app can be a very simple one to a complex one depending on the customer’s profile. The app can also sync information from a website.  For making additional money, a section of the app can be sublet to other related businesses. For instance, hospitals can sublet a section to a pharma company and so on.
Google ads can also be integrated into the apps on customer request, but due to the limited numbers in which such ads will be downloaded, the revenue through Google ads won’t be significant. On the other hand, if you are an individual with an idea for an application that you think will be downloaded by many people you can definitely get it developed by App Me In and look for some advertising revenue.
We have been thinking about a story which tells readers how to develop an app, the cost attached and benefits, until we chanced upon this company. We would like more such companies to tell us how they can help people to develop apps for themselves and their businesses.