Nokia is planning a major launch event on 22 October in Abu Dhabi, UAE. At this event, Nokia will reportedly introduce at least six new devices, of which the Lumia 1520 seems imminent. The EVLeaks Twitter account shared a string of cryptic information stating that Nokia device codenamed Batman will be launched as Lumia 1320. Sources familiar with Nokia’s plan stated that the Nokia Lumia 1320 will be yet another large screen device.
Nokia has big plans to bring large screen devices for markets going into a frenzy over large screen Google Android smartphones. Nokia’s Lumia 1320 aka Batman will be a new entrant in the Lumia 1xxx series. Apart from a large screen display, the only thing one can bet on is the affordable pricing of this smartphone.
All new devices launching on 22 October will be capable of running Windows Phone 8 GDR3 that brings support for 1080p HD Resolution and several other features.