LG has announced that it will launch four new smartphones at the Mobile World Congress, to be held in Barcelona next month. The phones are named Magna, Spirit, Leon, and Joy.
The four mid-range phones will come out of the box with Android Lollipop and in 3G and 4G versions, and to differentiate between the 3G and 4G versions, LG has decided to equip the 4G versions with metallic back covers. LG says the slightly curved screen and back of the higher end phones (Magna and Spirit) will aid grip.
The new phones will have gestures to control the camera from up to 1.5 meters away, and Glass View will allow users to see the time, messages, missed calls, etc on the screen while the display is off. These features were previously found on the flagship G series.
The Magna has a 5 inch display and a quad-core processor, to be clocked at 1.2 or 1.3 GHz. The LG Magna will have a 8 Megapixel primary camera and a 5 megapixel front camera for selfies. The power will be supplied by a 2540 mAh battery.
The LG Spirit features a 4.7 inch in-cell display with a Processor similar to the LG Magna. The Spirit too will have an 8 megapixel camera like its bigger sibling. Meanwhile, the Leon will have a 4.5 inch display, and the Joy features a 4 inch screen. Both will have downgraded specs when compared to the Magna and Spirit.